The international conference "13 minutes Innovation" took place in IMT-BS on December 3, 2019.
This year we discussed the topic of "Collaborative and responsible innovation in health".
All the videos from the conference are available on this page.
The conference was sponsored by MSH Paris-Saclay.
Organising committee: Luciana Castro-Goncalves, Cédric Gossart, Nadine Laclé, Liliana Mitkova, Gizem Ogsuz, Anuragini Shirish, Nadia Toumi, Christine Balagué
About earlier editions of our 13 Minutes Innovation conferences.
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Tuesday 3 December, 9h30 – 13h00
Emmanuel DEQUIER Collaboration for Innovation at Genopole, a Biocluster dedicated to Biotechnologies. For more than 15 years, Genopole has developed a policy to support innovation by providing its companies and laboratories state of the art platforms, facilities and infrastructures that they would not be able to acquire on their own. These platforms allow researchers from academic laboratories and industry as well as students to interact and develop new research projects. I will discuss the specific case of the “Atelier de Biologie de Synthèse (abSYNTH)”, a platform dedicated to synthetic biology. Its development has led to a breakthrough in the field of life sciences innovation, enabling Genopole to create its first Open Lab (“Shaker – Le Lab Biotech”). By providing access to a fully equipped and shared-use laboratory, this lab helps PhD and university students, engineers and job seekers to deepen their research and validate innovative technologies. Emmanuel Dequier is the Director of Research of the medical genomics biocluster Genopole (Evry, France). He holds a PhD in cellular and molecular genetics from the University Pierre et Marie Curie. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
Paul MAITRE "De grands pouvoirs impliquent de grandes responsabilités" (librement adapté de SpiderMan) : Le cas de l'innovation sociale et de la E-Santé, piliers du système de santé de demain Innovations enable prodigiously powerful and improved health services, thereby putting power into new hands via data, platforms, AI, and depending on their location through decompartmentalization and disruption. While it is exciting to see the scope of possibilities, we must ask ourselves what the results of this change will be. Which direction are we heading? Towards utopian or dystopic futures? What is its meaning? Its ethics? Its service models? Where to place the Tech vs. Social cursor? Who has the power tomorrow? The engineer, the citizen, the State? Paul est diplômé de l’ESTP en 1997, il complète sa formation d’ingénieur par un DEA de Sociologie des Organisations l’Université Paris-Dauphine. En 2007, fort de ses 10 années d’expérience, il fonde le cabinet de conseil Easis, et met son expertise au service de ses clients, TPE & grands groupes, acteurs publics & privés. Convaincu de la valeur ajoutée que peut apporter le management digital aux acteurs de la santé, il développe en 2012 une offre dédiée l’écosystème e-santé. Depuis 2015, il accompagne des structures associatives en mécénat de compétences, et monte, avec des partenaires experts du domaine, une offre dédiée à l'innovation sociale, afin de les encourager à « penser et agir autrement ». ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
Angelo ROMASANTA Bibliometric analyses of innovation studies on the pharmaceutical industry Hundreds of papers are published studying innovation in the pharmaceutical industry each year. What can scientists and managers in the industry learn from them? How can innovation scholars engage better with the industry? We present results of our bibliometric study, mapping these studies on innovation in drug discovery and development. Angelo Romasanta is PhD candidate at VU Amsterdam (NL), Angelo studies the adoption and commercialization of innovation in the pharmaceutical industry. As part of the European project FragNet, her research explores how various firms and individuals created opportunities from the emergence of fragment-based drug discovery, an approach in the early stages of developing new drugs.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
Stanislas LL Managing mental health crisis and the emerging role of technology in a collaborative economy" In this talk, Stanislas will share his experience at the Crisis Center of the Foreign Affairs Ministry. Professional life can expect people to become athletic leaders. It requires mental health that cannot be learnt in books although it does require mental training. Stanislas focuses on the most important albeit ignored facet of health, i.e. mental health. He will discuss the preventive and emerging role of technology in a collaborative (open and sharing) economy in combating mental health issues. Stanislas LL is a civil servant at the Foreign Affairs Ministry of France with several years at the Crisis Center in Paris and consular representations around the world. He is a Mindfulness and Heartfulness trainer and aspires to encourage mental health to individuals and professionals. He received a Master’s degree in Law and Economy from the Peace and Development Law Institute of Nice (France), and is certified in “Leading Change in Time of Disruption” by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Sanghamitra CHAKRAVARTY Collaborations in the development and delivery of frugal innovations in medical devices Using evidence from medical device firms in South Africa, Sanghamitra will explain to what extent frugal innovation can reconcile the tensions between long-term economic growth and inclusive development. She will use her experience as a chemical engineer by training with experience in managing government science, technology and innovation programmes in India and Oman. Sanghamitra Chakravarty is a PhD Researcher in International Institute of Social Studies (Erasmus University, Rotterdam). Her interest lies at the interface of technology, society and development. Her PhD research explores to what extent (frugal) innovation can bridge long-term economic growth with inclusive development. She focuses on affordable medical devices suitable for resource constraint settings, which enable access to better healthcare for consumers who are price-conscious by necessity. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
Hkind, la start-up tech for good qui veut décloisonner la santé Hkind est une entreprise « tech for good » qui permet le partage ciblé, collaboratif et gratuit des initiatives de santé entre tous les acteurs de santé : patients, aidants, bénévoles, entrepreneurs et professionnels de santé. Pour ce faire, hkind a développé un produit digital :, une application mobile et desktop de rencontre entre les projets de santé et les personnes intéressées. Comment monter une telle start-up dans le milieu hyper cloisonné de la santé ? Comment remettre de l’humain à l’aide du numérique, dans un système où le taux de burnout chez les soignants est l’un des plus forts ? Quel business model pour cette application gratuite ? Pourquoi se lancer dans une telle aventure, à 42 ans, alors qu’on occupe un poste à la Commission Européenne ? Alice Maximy is the founder of hkind, an app that matches health initiatives and projects. She also Ffounder of Women’s Health Collective which aims to shed light on women who have meaningful health initiatives, and help healthy women get more jobs with responsibilities. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Barbara RIBEIRO Responsible innovation in synthetic biology. Barbara conducts social science research in the areas of innovation studies, science and technology studies and responsible innovation with a focus on emerging biotechnologies and digital technologies. She will talk about empirical work on responsible innovation in synthetic biology to discuss the social and ethical aspects of this emerging technology. Based on his experience as an ‘engaged’ social scientist, Barbara will then offer some provoking thoughts on new directions for responsible innovation. Barbara is Faculty member and Presidential Fellow at the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester (UK). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
Tuesday 3 December, 14h30 – 18h30
In the afternoon, interested researchers will participate to a collaborative workshop, aiming to share their ideas and on-going projects on collaborative and responsible innovation in health. The aim is to prepare a joint project proposal (ANR, H2020, …).
If you are interested, you can send an email to