Supported by the « Maison des Sciences de l’Homme » (University Paris-Saclay). Slides are available here.
Coordinated by: LITEM, Univ Evry, IMT-BS, Université Paris-Saclay.
Organising committee: Franck Aggeri (Management sciences, i3, Mines ParisTech), Hélène Courvoisier (Neurosciences, Centre de Neurosciences Paris-Sud, University Paris-Sud/Paris-Saclay), Karine Demuth-Labouze (Bioethics, EA 1610-composante « Éthique, science, santé et société », University Paris-Sud/Paris-Saclay), Jean-Philippe Denis (Management sciences, RITM , University Paris-Sud/Paris-Saclay), Laura Draetta (Sociology, i3, Télécom ParisTech), Christine Froidevaux (Bioinformatics, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, University Paris-Sud/Paris-Saclay), Cédric Gossart (Management sciences, LITEM, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School), Liliana Mitkova (Management sciences, LITEM, University of Évry-Val-d’Essonne/Paris-Saclay), Jean-Luc Moriceau (Management sciences, LITEM, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School).
The Évry Genopole is also participating to this event (Roxane BRACHET).
Planning (time: 14:00 – 16:00)
Dates | Titles | Speakers | Lieux | |
Session n°1 | Thursday 8 March | Responsible research and innovation in the social sciences: The issues at stake | Jim Dratwa (European Commission) Barbara Ribeiro (University of Manchester) « The theory and practice of RRI » Federico Neresini (University of Padua) « Between desire of transformation and standardization needs: A STS view on RRI » | Télécom ParisTech (Paris 75013, |
Session n°2 | Tuesday 10 April | How can the responsible use of big data in neurobiology and bioinformatics be controlled? | Sarah Cohen-Boulakia (University Paris-Sud) | Université Paris-Sud (Orsay, |
Session n°3 | Thursday 24 May | Meaning, reflexivity, and societal issues | Jean-Luc Moriceau (Institut Mines-Télécom Business School) Jean-Philippe Denis (Université Paris-Sud) Philippe Houbé (témoin du procès Kerviel) Martine Orange (Mediapart) | Institut Mines-Télécom Business School (Évry, |
Session n°4 | Thursday 21 June | Can innovation be responsible? | Cees van Beers (TU Delft) Laura Draetta (Télécom ParisTech) Cédric Gossart (Institut Mines-Télécom Business School) | (Paris 13ème, |
Session n°5 | Monday 2 July | Sciences in society or with society? | Sébastien Stenger (ISG) Annick Jacq (Université Paris-Sud) | Mines ParisTech (Paris 75006 |
To register, send an email to:
Session n°1. Responsible research and innovation in the social sciences: The issues at stake
- Introduction to the seminar (Jim Dratwa, 30’).
- Discussion with the audience (10’).
- The theory and practice of RRI (Barbara Ribeiro, 30’).
- Discussion with the audience (10’).
- Between desire of transformation and standardization needs: A STS view on RRI (Federico Neresini, 30’).
- Discussion with the audience (10’).
Session n°2. How can the responsible use of big data in neurobiology and bioinformatics be controlled?
In this session, we suggest discussing methods to ensure that the use of big data in research and innovation is responsible. We take the case of the field of computer science and of biology (genomics and neuroscience data). A first presentation will focus on the computer methods that can be implemented to test the reproducibility of bioinformatics experiments (Sarah Cohen-Boulakia). After this discussion on the more technical aspects of the debate, we will discuss the issues of the upstream control of experiments as well as on the downstream non-responsible uses (Jean-François Deleuze, tbc). We will then be able to share good practices to anticipate and deal with cases of non-compliance with these practices (see the Paris-Saclay University POLETHIS -School Ethics Review Committee).
Session n°3.Meaning, reflexivity, and societal issues
- Key issues in the social sciences (Jean-Luc Moriceau, 15’).
- An example to discuss: The case of the Société Générale (Jean-Philippe Denis, 30’). Special guests : Philippe Houbé (witness of the Kerviel lawsuit), Martine Orange (Mediapart).
- Discussion (15’).
- Synthesis (15’).
Session n°4. Can innovation be responsible?
- Responsible innovation vs. frugal innovation? (Cees van Beers, 40’).
- Discussion (15’).
- The case of the Linkycontroversy (Laura Draetta, 30’).
- Discussion (10’).
- Are digital social innovations responsible? (Cédric Gossart, 30’).
- Discussion (10’).
Session n°5. Sciences in society or with society?
The notion of RRI, embedded in the socio-political and cultural context in which knowledge and innovations are produced, will be considered in this session through the prism of the relationship between science and society. A presentation of the evolution and current characteristics of these relations will introduce the notion of co-responsibility of citizens, researchers, technologists, political and economic decision-makers in the production of knowledge and in the regulation of scientific and technological developments. It will also enable us to consider the conditions for integrating ethical and societal thinking upstream of research and innovation programs. An overview of ethics training offered in higher education will open a discussion on how to diffuse shared responsibility practices among young and more experienced scholars (value and purpose of the work, how knowledge is built and shared).
- Sébastien Stenger (ISG) : Pourquoi travaille-t-on dans un cabinet d’audit « Big Four » ?
- Annick Jacq (Université Paris-Sud) : Promesses technologiques et innovations responsables font elles bon ménage : l’exemple de la thérapie génique.